The WASH Coordination Project (WCP) was a two-year, USAID-funded initiative, targeting urban challenges in the Nigerian States of Kaduna and Bauchi, where water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) service gaps were acute and where government officials had demonstrated a firm commitment to sector improvements. Funded under the Making Cities Work IDIQ, the project: (1) improved WASH programming through an integrated, evidence-based approach; (2) provided support to new reform-minded state governments; and (3) sustained the momentum established under the USAID/Nigeria Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA) activity. DIG successfully generated baseline sector data to map the landscape of on-site services in urban areas of Bauchi and Kaduna states, developed a framework for improving urban sanitation in Bauchi and Kaduna, and designed criteria for state inclusion in future USAID-funded WASH programs. In addition, DIG provided targeted technical assistance and capacity building to the Kaduna and Bauchi state water utilities to enhance their operational efficiency and services. As a testament to the effectiveness of DIG’s customized, results-oriented capacity building, between February and May 2018 alone, the Bauchi utility’s bill distribution increased from an average of 345 bills to 17,510 bills per month, significantly increasing revenue collected. In just three months in early 2018, the Kaduna utility’s revenues increased by 46% and the collection of unpaid bills rose by 160%. Lastly, DIG launched an online urban WASH Community of Practice, the first of its kind in Nigeria.
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- Liberia Municipal Water Project (LMWP)
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- Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP)
- Strategic Support for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Investments in Ethiopia
- Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA)
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory
- WASH Coordination Project (WCP)