The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded DIG a contract to develop a concept note on testing service delivery models for fecal sludge management in Ethiopian cities. DIG conducted a rapid landscape analysis, facilitated a workshop, and identified key gaps and opportunities in the fecal sludge management value chain. Based on the findings of this assessment, DIG recommended areas where the Gates Foundation could support new business models and technologies across the fecal sludge value chain designed to enhance service for the poor. (2012)
Related Projects
- WASH Coordination Project (WCP)
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory
- Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA)
- Strategic Support for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Investments in Ethiopia
- Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP)
- Market Assessment of Fecal Sludge Providers in Douala, Cameroon
- Liberia Municipal Water Project (LMWP)
- Liberia Collaborative Support for Health Systems Strengthening
- Kenya Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (KIWASH)
- Global Program for Inclusive Municipal Governance (GPIMG)