The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded DIG a contract to support the management of a five-year, USD 25 million municipal governance program. GPIMG focused on supporting city leadership and community-based partnerships to develop inclusive urban policies so that more and better resources could reach the urban poor. Specifically, the program funded improvements in the delivery of basic services, notably water and sanitation, to the poorest populations in 13 African cities: Lilongwe, Malawi; Monrovia, Liberia; Luanda, Angola; Harare, Zimbabwe; Cairo, Egypt, and eight Ethiopian cities. DIG helped the foundation achieve its goal of promoting inclusive cities grantees by providing technical assistance and capacity building support, brokering government-civil society relations, monitoring and evaluating program outcomes, and helping grantees comply with their grant agreements. (2010-2015)
Related Projects
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- Dakar Municipal Finance Program
- ECAP I & II – Emergency Capacity Assistance Program
- Emergency Community Assistance and Planning (ECAP) for Shelter and Settlement in Post-Earthquake Haiti
- Global Program for Inclusive Municipal Governance (GPIMG)
- Housing Finance for the Poor (HFP)
- Kenya Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (KIWASH)
- Liberia Collaborative Support for Health Systems Strengthening
- Liberia Municipal Water Project (LMWP)
- Market Assessment of Fecal Sludge Providers in Douala, Cameroon
- Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP)
- Southern Agriculture and Business Recovery (SABR)
- Strategic Support for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Investments in Ethiopia
- Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA)
- Urban Advisory Program
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory
- WASH Coordination Project (WCP)