In 2007, DIG secured its second contract with Tameer Microfinance Bank in Pakistan for the provision of technical assistance under the umbrella of CGAP Retail Advisory Services (RAS) program. To further support Tameer’s shift from a typical bank model using outreach and relationship teams to a more traditional MFI model using loan officers, DIG conducted a needs assessment of the organization; designed, carried out, and analyzed a market demand assessment; and provided intensive training and technical assistance.
To streamline and update Tameer’s approach to training, DIG developed and delivered six training modules. The first six-day training module Microfinance Operations and Supervision Training included: an introduction to microfinance; an overview of microfinance products; and instruction on lending methodology, loan origination, selling techniques, loan applications, portfolio follow-up and delinquency management, customer service, and human resources. Subsequent sessions included a Training-of-Trainers (ToT) workshop, Risk Credit Committee Training, MIS Training, Loan Assessment Training, and Branch Management and Field Supervision. The latter included instruction on branch structure, staff roles and responsibilities, loan origination, staff supervision and capacity building, monitoring and evaluation, and internal controls.
As part of its on-site technical assistance, DIG assessed and made recommendations on Tameer’s three MIS systems, loan applications, and relationship manual. DIG further reviewed and expanded Tameer’s business plan with updated financial objectives and projections. DIG’s efforts to establish and expand Tameer Microfinance Bank have contributed to its scale. Within four years of benefitting from DIG’s support, the bank boasted an impressive gross loan portfolio of USD 18.2 million and more than 71,000 active clients and was fully operationally and financially sustainable. In fact, Tameer became one of the first nationwide, private sector, commercially sustainable MFIs in Pakistan. As a result of Tameer’s success, it was acquired by Telenor Pakistan in March 2018.
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