Under USAID’s Collaborative Support for Health (CSH) Systems Strengthening program in Liberia, DIG provided direct support to Liberia’s Ministry of Public Works (MPW) to strengthen the Ministry’s capacity to manage water supply infrastructure improvements and deliver technical assistance to help achieve the goal of USAID’s CSH Program: improve the health status of Liberians.
In coordination with Management Sciences for Health, DIG helped conduct one of the most successful WASH joint sector performance reviews (JSR 2013-2014) and assisted the government with producing the 2013 WASH Sector Performance Report; assessed MPW’s capacity to lead the rural water sector and subsequently designed a Capacity Building Plan to bolster MPW’s technical, managerial and financial capacity to lead the rural water sector; identified the root causes of the sub-optimal performance of MPW’s data collection system (i.e., the Waterpoint Atlas) and proposed solutions to improve the system’s management; provided training and capacity building to relevant government departments to compile and analyze relevant WASH sector data; conducted a rapid gender review; facilitated three new MPW water-sector related policies; and conducted an analysis of the enabling environment for potable water in Liberia to identify the landscape for future WASH endeavors.
Related Projects
- Global Program for Inclusive Municipal Governance (GPIMG)
- Kenya Integrated Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Project (KIWASH)
- Liberia Collaborative Support for Health Systems Strengthening
- Liberia Municipal Water Project (LMWP)
- Market Assessment of Fecal Sludge Providers in Douala, Cameroon
- Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP)
- Strategic Support for Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Investments in Ethiopia
- Sustainable Water and Sanitation in Africa (SUWASA)
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory
- WASH Coordination Project (WCP)