The Emergency Capacity Assistance Program (ECAP) provided technical assistance to local government agencies and other stakeholders tasked with overseeing Haiti’s post-earthquake shelter and settlement activities. With funding from USAID, Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) and DIG, in collaboration with the Government of Haiti, leveraged local Haitian, diaspora and international experts to assist Haitian institutions with reconstruction planning. Professionals with skills in shelter and settlement planning and proficiency in French and/or Creole were placed within national and municipal government agencies tasked with the reconstruction, as well as with USAID partners and local communities. These experts in urban planning, civil and structural engineering, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), architecture, business, law, economics and the environment helped to build the capacity of ministries and municipal governments and formulate national and local policy. Projects included shelter and settlement reconstruction, basic service delivery, urban/community planning and management, land use and tenure, disaster management, and the resettlement and integration of internally displaced persons (IDPs). Specifically, ECAP provided technical assistance in support of IDP resettlement in Petion-Ville and greater Port-au-Prince, and new settlements under development in Cabaret, Croix de Bouquets and in the north between Cap Haïtien and Ouanaminthe, notably Caracol Ekam. (2011-2013)
Related Projects
- Accountable Democratic Action (ADA) through Social Cohesion
- Dakar Municipal Finance Program
- ECAP I & II – Emergency Capacity Assistance Program
- Emergency Community Assistance and Planning (ECAP) for Shelter and Settlement in Post-Earthquake Haiti
- Global Program for Inclusive Municipal Governance (GPIMG)
- Haiti Rebati Facility
- Housing Finance for the Poor (HFP)
- Liberia Collaborative Support for Health Systems Strengthening
- Microfinance Training of Trainers (TOT) for USAID-Iraq
- Microfinance Training of Trainers for USAID-Iraq (IZDIHAR)
- Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP)
- Southern Agriculture and Business Recovery (SABR)
- Urban Advisory Program
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory