With funding from USAID through the Izdihar Program, DIG, in partnership with SANABEL, was contracted to offer a comprehensive training-of-trainers program focusing on both CGAP and non-CGAP courses, and to provide real-life training opportunities for microfinance practitioners from Iraq. This was the first training for leading microfinance institutions in Iraq, and was an important step in developing the sector in the country. While the implementers understood the need to rapidly inject funds into the Iraqi economy, the focus was on achieving this through sound procedures in a transparent manner and through sustainable institutions. DIG and SANABEL offered training in topics such as operational risk management, delinquency, microfinance market assessment, product development, loan assessment, information systems, and strategic marketing. Successful graduates of this program were SANABEL/CGAP certified, and are providing training to microfinance practitioners operating in Iraq through the Private Bankers Institute.
- ECAP I & II – Emergency Capacity Assistance Program
- Haiti Rebati Facility
- Housing Finance for the Poor (HFP)
- Microfinance Training of Trainers (TOT) for USAID-Iraq
- Microfinance Training of Trainers for USAID-Iraq (IZDIHAR)
- Southern Agriculture and Business Recovery (SABR)
- Urbis – Urban Capacity Learning Laboratory