Water and Development II (WADI II)
The WADI II IDIQ covers a wide array of cross-cutting technical areas: data collection and management; assessment and analysis; strategic planning and project design; capacity building and institutional strengthening; policy, legal, regulatory and institutional support; technical assistance and service delivery; shock responsive and adaptive management support; knowledge management, information sharing, cooperation and coordination; commodity procurement; and performance monitoring, evaluation and learning (reserved for small business set-asides). Illustrative sub-sectors include water resources management; water, sanitation, and hygiene; resilience, nutrition, and food security; environment; economic growth and energy; democracy and governance; innovation, research, and evaluation; knowledge management; and policy analysis.
Performance Period: 2022-2029
Ceiling: US$ 400 million
DIG Consortium Members: DT Global, The Nature conservancy, Catholic Relief Services, IOS Partners, The University of New Mexico, Crown Agents, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Active Communities- Effective States (ACES)
The IDIQ offers technical assistance, advisory services, training, and direct program implementation to support host countries’ initiatives in good governance and anti-corruption; strengthening the legislative function/legal framework; decentralization and local governance; rule of law and security sector reform; and strengthening oversight mechanisms.
Performance Period: 2022-2029
Ceiling: US$ 475 million
DIG Consortium Members: DT Global, BDO USA, the Public International Law and Policy Group, Commonwealth Trading Partners, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Civic Data Design Lab.
Strengthening Tenure and Resource Rights II (STARR II)
The STARR II IDIQ supports USAID’s efforts to improve land and resource governance and to strengthen property rights for all members of society, especially women. The IDIQ’s objective is to provide a broad range of technical assistance to USAID Missions and Operating Units to increase economic growth and food security; good governance, conflict mitigation, and disaster mitigation and relief; biodiversity conservation, climate mitigation and adaptation, and sustainable natural resource management; and land rights and access for women, indigenous people, pastoralists, and disadvantaged groups.
Performance Period: 2018-2025
Ceiling: US$ 650 million
DIG Consortium Members: Habitat for Humanity International, DT Global, DAI Global, Landesa, Winrock International, Crown Agents, and SpatialDev.
Economic Reform Activities (ERA) in Jordan
The goal of ERA is to support the government of Jordan as it implements its economic reforms, encapsulated in its Renaissance Plan and Five-Year Growth Matrix. ERA initiatives are catalyzing systemic economic changes, affecting key industries and all sectors of the economy. In the process, ERA will address the joint priorities of the government of Jordan and of the U.S. government.
Performance Period: 2021-2028
Ceiling: US$ 150 million
DIG Consortium Members: International Executive Service Corps, Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies, and BDO.
Making Cities Work (MCW)
The MCW IDIQ supports USAID’s vision of providing short- and long-term technical services, training, and capacity building to improve urban and local governance across five functional areas: (1) public service delivery with an emphasis on transportation, water, and sanitation; (2) autonomy, transparency, responsiveness, and accountability; (3) climate change adaptation, environmental management, and pollution control; (4) disaster preparedness, response, and recovery; and (5) finance, creditworthiness, and borrowing.
DIG services can also be accessed through additional contracting vehicles as we serve as a sub-contractor on One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Solutions (OASIS) and the Public Financial Management (PFM) II IDIQ.
Performance Period: 2014-2024
Ceiling: US$ 650 million
DIG Consortium Members: DAI, DevTech, LimnoTech, Numark Associates, CEEPCO Contracting, SpatialDev, IOS Partners, The Earth Institute, the Institute for Transportation and Development Policy, the International Housing Coalition, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and The QED Group.
One Acquisition Solution for Integrated Solutions (OASIS)
DIG is a sub-contractor of the Cyber Engineering & Technical Alliance under the OASIS Small Business Pool 1SB contracting vehicle. The core disciplines/scopes of OASIS fall under these broad areas: program management services; management consulting services; logistics services; engineering services; scientific services; and financial services. For details on services covered under each of these areas, please click here.
Performance Period: 2021-2029
Ceiling: None
Prime Contractor: Cyber Engineering & Technical Alliance (CETA)
Public Financial Management II (PFM II)
DIG also serves as a sub-contractor on DT Global’s consortium under the Public Financial Management II IDIQ. The PFM II IDIQ addresses four factors that are key to USAID’s goal of achieving broad-based equitable economic growth worldwide: (1) increasing and expanding human capacity; (2) improving the policy environment to promote efficiency and economic opportunity for all members of society; (3) sound management of institutions; and (4) good governance. The PFM II IDIQ supports the public sector in developing countries that USAID serves. Governments with robust public financial management systems, that are transparent, promote accountability, and follow internationally recognized standards, tend to be more stable and better able to achieve economic growth across a range of sectors.
Performance Period: 2018-2023
Ceiling: US$ 475 million
Prime Contractor: DT Global
How to Use the Small Business Fair Opportunity Exception to Access DIG Services
The Small Business Fair Opportunity Exception allows USAID Missions to directly place task orders with small-business prime contractors without limit to the dollar amount that USAID can award. At the discretion of the Task Order Contracting Officer (TOCO), Missions can place task orders with DIG’s Consortia without further competition. The process for utilizing the small business exception is as follows:
1. The Task Order Contracting Officer’s Representative (TOCOR) submits the scope of work to the IDIQ Contracting Officer Representative (COR) for review to determine compatibility with the IDIQ scope of work;
2. The IDIQ COR provides the corporate capability information of the small business primes to the TOCOR; and
3. The TOCOR reviews the corporate capability information and provides a brief, written recommendation to the TOCO on which small business he/she/they recommend(s) for award or whether to issue a Request for Task Order Proposal among all small business holders of the IDIQ.
For further details on the direct placement of task orders and use of the Small Business Fair Opportunity Exception, please refer to ADS Chapter 302.
For more information on how DIG can support you, please contact Marianne Carliez at mcarliez@developinnovations.com or Sharifa Pastori at spastori@developinnovations.com.