Cross-cutting Areas of Practice Expertise

Monitoring, Evaluating and Learning

DIG is committed to a data-driven and evidence-based approach to achieve results. Every program we implement starts with a vision for success, a theory of change, and clear, measurable indicators.  DIG’s adaptive management approach, which consists of adjusting interventions based on data analysis, lessons learned as well as donor and partner feedback, enables us to …

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Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment

DIG believes that gender equality and women’s empowerment are fundamental to realize intrinsic human rights and to achieve tangible, long-term development results. DIG advances women’s and girls’, men’s and boys’ equal and reliable access to resources and opportunities to help all beneficiaries prosper and live in more peaceful communities.

Surveys and Assessments

DIG conducts baseline studies, market assessments and sectoral assessments under ongoing programs or as independent projects. Market assessments focus most notably on supply, demand, and capacity to pay for financial services. Sectoral assessments typically focus on WASH, solid waste management, housing, and microfinance sectors. Baseline studies provide a solid evidence base for data underlying results …

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Youth in Development

DIG strengthens the capacity of youth to enable them to acquire the knowledge and skills required to become productive members of society and agents of change. Through training and technical assistance, we have fostered employment and business opportunities for youth. We have also engaged youth and youth groups in awareness raising activities in a variety …

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Support Services and Workforce Augmentation

Vocational Training and Employment for the Urban Poor Securing long-term economic opportunities for vulnerable populations is integrally tied to poverty alleviation. For that reason, DIG carries out demand-driven vocational training for marginalized populations including youth and women. DIG views labor-intensive programs as a key component of urban and community infrastructure development. Such programs provide ample …

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Organizational Development and Capacity Building for NGOs and CBOs

DIG designs and implements targeted and high-impact capacity building plans for local organizations that serve the urban poor. There is extensive demand for capacity building in the developing world. DIG has created selection criteria based not only on assessing needs but also on leveraging concrete opportunities through tailored assistance to local, innovative organizations. DIG offers …

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Innovative Financing

Housing Microfinance Key services DIG offers in the field of housing microfinance include: market assess­ments; product design; systems and tools development training; design of guarantee facilities; and advising regu­lators and policy makers. Micro-Mortgage Finance As the capital markets in developing countries grow, the demand for mortgages is increasing. DIG works with governments, regulatory authori­ties and …

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